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Small Groups

Womens Bible Study

THE WOMENS BIBLE STUDY, aka WBS, has been meeting twice monthly in the Committee Room for over 20 years.  Over that time we have covered many topics and used various resources but have tended to rely heavily on Scripture Union material. Those attending have become a cohesive, supportive group with an atmosphere of friendship and trust.

A good way to spend a Monday afternoon. Check the calendar to see which weeks we are meeting. 
Gill Finlay Co-ordinator



Axis meets twice monthly on Monday Evenings from 8-10pm.


It is a relaxed and enjoyable group. They meet for fellowship, Bible study, discussion and prayer. We meet in a member's home, usually on the first and third Monday of the month, enjoying coffee and other refreshments together in a relaxed atmosphere. 


Presbyterian Women

Presbyterian Women (PW) is an organisation for women within the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI). 


Our PW is open to anyone within our church, everyone is welcome.


PW Groups are envisaged as women’s fellowships in which women are encouraged to become Christians and to become Christ-like. In addition to supporting mission at home and overseas, each group is to seek ways of actively reaching women in its own area for Christ.


For more information on PW and upcoming dates, click here



028 9068 3201




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