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Sunday Mornings

Church Service

Our Sunday Service begins at 11am.


If you are visiting with us, you will be met at the door by one of our team of welcomers. The order and format for each service is printed out whilst hymns and Bible Readings are displayed on a large screen.


We aim to make everyone feel welcome and part of our services. For children there is a short talk in the first part of the service and they are invited, if they want, to come up to the front. For smaller children activity-bags can be collected from hangers near the church entrance on the way in.


We have a crèche and there are also supervised activities for children and teens during the second part of the service. Occasionally we have special services in which the content is aimed at all ages, and the children remain for the whole service.

Every service will include a talk from the Bible which is relevant to our modern lives. Services last approximately one hour.

Church Prayer Life


As a church we believe that prayer is an important part of our church life. We believe that God values our prayer whether it is spoken or made in silence. We have a prayer group which meets every Sunday Morning before the church service in the committee room/ Minor Hall at 10:15am until 10:40am. People are free to come and go and everyone is welcome to come along. 

Children Are Welcome 


We welcome children in our services. If younger children cry, don’t worry, we won’t. We do have a creche however and school age children are invited to go out half way through the service for ‘Sunday School’ and ‘Bible and Breakfast’.


Children leave church after the children song to go over to the church hall. Sunday School has two age groups:

Ages 3 to 7 meet in the Minor Hall 

Ages 8 to 10 meet in the Dowling Hall

Parents are asked to collect children from the Minor Hall after the church service. 


For our young people (11 and up) we have 'Bible and Breakfast' which meets during the church service three Sundays of the month. On the fourth Sunday we encourage our young people to stay in for the church service. 

Tea and Coffee


After our service coffee and tea is served at the front of the church and this is a great way to get to know people.



028 9068 3201




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